
A bite of Ziyang

The good taste and flavours of Yiyang is hidden in the north of the Zijiang River, Ziyang District. The place of Guan Gong once went to a hostile dinner alone in history. Not only will you find the charm  of the old Yiyang, but it's also a treasure not to be missed on Hunan's culinary map.

There are countless classic delicacies hidden in the city lanes of Ziyang District,Yiyang City.

Stinky Tofu. A mouthful of bursting juice and rich flavour. Ziyang's Stinky Tofu is different from Changsha. The smaller cubes make them more savoury and crispy as they are repeatedly deep-fried.

The shape is like a bowl, small and exquisite. The tantalisingly scallion-scented oil bowl cake is also the long-lasting “influencer” on the streets of Ziyang. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, full of flavour, which carries many culinary memories of the old Yiyang City.

In addition, there are hibiscus feasts, Zhangjiasai fermented glutinous rice, Ziyang's specialities such as dried rice dumplings and white tofu balls..... There are countless traditional cuisines with unique flavours. In Ziyang, a flavourful culinary journey is definitely the best choice for the family gathering at the Chinese Spring Festival.

Millennium Silver City Yiyang, fireworks accompanied the Mingqing Ancient Alley, 2024 "The Year of the Dragon, The Beautiful Ziyang" New Year's Paradise activities in Ziyang District, Mingqing Ancient Alley officially opened today. The enjoyment you get from the food depends entirely on the capacity of your stomach. A lot of excitement will be presented soon, come and join to "catch the big fair"!





不仅如此、木槿花全宴、张家塞甜酒、资阳特色大码头干坨子、白粒丸..... 各种独具风味的传统美食数不胜数。在资阳,开启一场风味美食之旅,一定是春节阖家欢聚的不二之选。

这不,千年银城益阳,烟火明清古巷,2024年“龙行龘龘 欣欣资阳”新春百乐汇活动于今日在资阳区明清古巷正式开幕。从美食中获得的享受,完全取决于你的胃容量,众多精彩即将呈现,快来一起“赶大集”吧!


作者:朱闻芩 赵佳妮 刘慧婷 曲澜 唐莉






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