三馆一厅寻茶香|双语视频· ZhuZhu的安化笔记
2023-11-04 09:37:25 字号:

三馆一厅寻茶香|双语视频· ZhuZhu的安化笔记

红网时刻记者 朱闻芩 赵佳妮 刘慧婷 通讯员 李若妍 陈子威 益阳报道


Tea first, then county established. Tea is the best gift from nature to ancient Mei Mountain City-- Yiyang Anhua. Let's walk into the exhibition hall with the theme of dark tea - Dark Tea Culture and Art Museum  (Three Halls and One Showroom).


Walking into the exhibition hall, the tea aroma will hit you, making people feel like soaking in warm tea soup. The overall layout of the art museum is based on "Three Halls and One Showroom", namely Fuzhuan Cha Art Museum, Tianjian Cha Art Museum, Qianliang Cha Culture Center, and Liling Ceramics showroom.


The sand table next to me shows the distribution of tea mountains in Anhua. On the cliffs and by the water, tea plant grows without cultivation. Surrounded by mountains, streams and valleys, the secret land of Mei Mountain has nurtured this wonderful tea.


National Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop, passing on the essence of Anhua dark tea culture. In 2008, The production techniques of Anhua Qianliang Cha and Fuzhuan Cha were included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection lists. If we are lucky today, we can witness the birth of Qianliang Cha here amidst the powerful trumpet sound.


The Dark Tea Culture and Art Museum allows more people to understand Anhua County and dark tea through its unique and novel architectural shape and multi-functional experience. Come and meet us here in Yiyang Anhua!


作者:朱闻芩 赵佳妮 刘 慧婷 李若妍 陈子威



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